miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

I admire: Claudia Amarales

She is a pediatric neurologist that works in Punta Arenas. I don´t know too much about her biography, only that she has two sisters (both of them doctors). I admiredher because she saved my life when I was 12 by doing a good diagnosis. I will tell you the story I had a disease call Viral Encephalitis when I lived in Punta Arenas, when the symptons start (I couldn´t fell the left side of my body) I was in my home so my parents took me to the Emergency Room , and the doctor who saw me at first though that I was on drugs so he made me a stomach wash. Then the Dr.Amaral apears and saw that this was neurologic, she took me a lot of exams and found the diagnosis. The important thing about this ( besice of course that I owe my life) was that this was the first case in  Punta  Arenas so with me she knew better about my disease and the symptoms and could safe the kids that came after me (there were two kids after me becuase the virus was contagious.

2 comentarios:

  1. Danii, your story is amazing! She saved your life! I understand, why you admire her so much! Good choice!!

  2. She is a pediatric neurologist that works in Punta Arenas. I don´t know too much about her biography, only that she has two sisters (both of them doctors). I admiredher because she saved my life when I was 12 by doing a good diagnosis. I will tell you the story I had a disease call Viral Encephalitis when I lived in Punta Arenas, when the symptons TENSE start (I couldn´t SP fell the left side of my body) I was in my home so my parents took me to the Emergency Room , and the doctor who saw me at first SP though that I was on drugs so he made me a stomach wash. Then the Dr.Amaral apears and saw that this was neurologic, she took me a lot of exams and found the diagnosis. The important thing about this ( SP besice of course that I owe my life) was that this was the first case in Punta Arenas so with me she knew WF better about my disease and the symptoms and could WF safe the kids that came after me (there were two kids after me SP becuase the virus was contagious.

    well done! it is such an interesting story!

